Saturday 4 September 2010

Risk and Beware with full entrusiasm...donot ignore because of it is public benefit not self benefit.....right??

Our Risk management and integration about IPA and PMQA,it must on focus by top to under in organized structure also,all duties and responsibilities for public service are not for only organ selves s benefit or stakes sharing,but where of our poverty s balance profit???Really when s our civil be up into nice enthusiasm as Full public incomes organizations that regulate themselves by outside board???


Germany marks 20 years since reunification treaty

Published: 31 Aug 10 21:28 CET

Germany on Tuesday marked the 20th anniversary of the signing of its reunification treaty amid recriminations that the former West Germany swallowed the communist East.

* German appetite for Afghan police training mission waning - Politics (4 Sep 10)
* Weekend weather friendly in the west, rainy in the east - National (3 Sep 10)
* Bundesbank backs Sarrazin's dismissal - National (2 Sep 10)

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, in a speech at the Kronprinzpalast in Berlin where the treaty was signed, said it marked "unification" of the two countries rather membership of one to the other.

But he admitted that mistakes were made, adding that "Germany might have adopted more from East Germany than just the little green man," a symbol on traffic lights indicating when pedestrians may cross a road. The Amplemann is one of the few cultural artifacts to have survived the
demise of East Germany.


* Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are bringing philanthropic mission to China
* The pair persuaded billionaire peers in the US into giving away chunks of money
* Trying to sell newly minted Chinese tycoons on the value of philanthropy


* Warren Buffett
* Bill Gates

(FT) -- Having persuaded many of their billionaire peers in the US into giving away chunks of money, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are travelling to China to host newly minted Chinese tycoons to sell them on the value of philanthropy.

But the fear of being seduced into giving up part of their fortunes might have scared some of the tycoons away from a dinner that the crusading US billionaires are hosting in Beijing this month.

The exclusive list of attendees includes Zhang Xin, CEO of Chinese SOHO China, the real estate developer, and Wang Chuanfu, head of BYD, the car and battery maker, who counts Mr Buffett as an investor.