Sunday 18 November 2012

Black golden or bio energy...who re save the world...where is my light bulb??

Black golden or bio energy...who re save the world...where is my light bulb??
Sugar and red eyes today..because of cement...not cement tary that remind me to Germany Munchen....

The van of bodies was ready to be driven from Berlin to a cut-rate crematorium in Saxony last month when it was stolen. Families waited for weeks to reclaim the bodies of their loved ones, which were eventually found in Poland. 

Their distress was a result of what macabre critics are starting to call 'corpse tourism' - increasing numbers of bodies are being driven hundreds of miles to discount crematoria in distant parts of the country. 

Reports suggest that some are even making grim farewell tours as far as the Czech Republic in a bid for knock-down prices. 

Many German undertakers are deeply uneasy with these developments, blaming tight-fisted relatives for driving down costs - and standards. 

Cheapskate loved ones

"Maybe it’s got something to do with this cheapskate mentality we've got," Carsten Pohle, chairman of the Union of German Undertakers told The

New Chinese administration to continue developing relations with Russia

15.11.2012 | Source:


New Chinese administration to continue developing relations with Russia. 48527.jpeg
The new Chinese administration will continue to build partnership relations with Russia, Andrey Karneyev, Vice-Chancellor of the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University told Pravda.Ru.

"Indeed, China has formed a new team that will lead the country in the next 10 years. The fact that it is all happening in a relatively stable fashion is also a sign of success - this is an achievement of the Communist Party that managed to turn the periodic change of power into one of the most steadily working party mechanisms. In many other countries of Asia and other regions, political crises, or even civil wars occur every time the question of succession of power arises. In China, they have renewed their political elite once again," Karneyev said.
"The congress stressed out the need to improve relations with all major neighboring countries. I think that the policy of building neighborly partnership and cooperation between Russia and China will continue in the international arena. Of course, it is impossible to avoid various complications or disputes that may arise on certain issues. But in general, most experts see favorable grounds for development and even, perhaps, for reaching a more mature phase in the relations," concluded the expert.

Middle East and China forge ties over oil

By John Defterios, CNN
November 15, 2012 -- Updated 0112 GMT (0912 HKT)
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Chinese President Hu Jintao attend a ceremony in Beijing in 2006.
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Chinese President Hu Jintao attend a ceremony in Beijing in 2006.

  • China's foreign policy values relationships to fuel its resource-hungry economy
  • Oil drives strategic relationship between Middle East and China
  • China's "Great Game" seeks supplies rather than political influence
Abu Dhabi (CNN) -- China's Xi Jinping, who is expected to be named president in March and likely next premier Li Keqiang will inherit a foreign policy that puts a premium on partnerships that can help China fuel its resource-hungry economy.
In the world of geo-politics, symbolism goes a long way in forging lasting, strategic relations. This is certainly the case when it comes to China's role within the Middle East, specifically with Saudi Arabia, the country with the world's largest proven oil reserves.
When King Abdullah took over the throne in Saudi Arabia, his first foreign visit in January 2006 was to Beijing after an invitation of President Hu Jintao. Six years later, the countries' two state-run energy giants, China's Sinopec and Saudi Aramco, inked a huge oil agreement guaranteeing the Asian nation an additional 400,000 barrels a day from a Red Sea refinery in the Saudi city of Yanbu. This is on top of the estimated one million barrels of oil a day it now orders from the Kingdom.

It's your funeral - burial culture changes

Published: 13 Nov 12 08:00 CET
The accidental theft of 12 bodies in a van exposed the now routine shipping of corpses around the country, and even abroad, for cheap cremation. Philippa Wentzel found changes afoot in Germany's burial culture.

Top 5 Deadliest Forces of the World
Posted on Aug 03, 2011
5. Kopassus
Formed in 1952, the Indonesian Army’s feared special forces group quickly established a bad name for themselves by spearheading government military campaigns.
Famous ops: In 1981, an Islamic extremist group hijacked Garuda Flight 206. After the aircraft landed, Kopassus commando executed a fast-paced operation, killing three hijackers and freeing 50 passengers.
4. Sayeret Matkal
The elite special forces of the Israeli defence force are experts in small arms, martial arts and gathering intelligence from deep behind enemy lines. These days they’re kept busy with counter-terrorism gigs and hostage rescue.
Famous ops: Best known for Operation Entebbe, a rescue mission to free hostages held on Air France flight 139 at Uganda’s Entebbe Airport in 1976. One Israeli soldier, 45 Ugandan soldiers, six hijackers and three hostages were killed in the operation, which at least managed to free 100 hostages.
3. The Kaibiles
Guatemala’s fearless counter revolutionary commando forces are experts in jungle warfare and counter insurgency ops. Established in 1975, their motto is, “If I advance, follow me. If I stop, urge me on. If I retreat, kill me.”
Famous ops: Eight Kaibiles were killed and five wounded in an ambush in Congo as part of a UN peacekeeping force. The dead soldiers were part of a botched operation to capture the deputy commander of Uganda’s Lord’s Resistance Army.
2. Alpha Group
Russia’s trigger-happy counter-terrorist squad of 700 hardcore dudes, formed in 1974 and survived despite the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Famous ops: The 2004 Beslan school hostage rescue crisis, where 1200 hostages were held by Chechen separatists ended with 31 dead terrorists. A good result except they also terminated more than 350 civilians.
1. U.S. Navy SEALs
The United States Navy SEa, Air and Land (SEAL) teams are renowned for their ability to work underwater and deal with special reconnaissance, counter terrorism, hostage rescue and unconventional warfare.
Famous Ops: A team authorised by Barack Obama killed Osama bin Laden in his compound in Pakistan. Three Navy SEALs also killed three Somalian pirates when they held a captain hostage.

According to Nasari Buwani (Dr.  Downer)  and the prophecy of Edgar Cayce,  Wall Street will have a major crash in December of this year.
Nasari Buwani, professor of economics at Columbia University and chairman of Buwani Global Economics, has reportedly said that the stock market will be in for a major shock by December 18th of this year.
Buwani reportedly feels that the alarming economic downturn will cause “the global financial system to implode,” according to a source close to a Wall Street executive.
What is most shocking is the Edgar Cayce, known as the “sleeping prophet” predicted back in 1940 that there would be major stock market crash in December of 2012.

Apple patents the virtual page turn

Apple was awarded a patent this week for a page-turn feature that is used in iBooks.
Apple was awarded a patent this week for a page-turn feature that is used in iBooks.

  • Apple patents a page turn function this week
  • It is a feature used in Apple's iBooks application
  • Apple has been involved in recent patent disputes with Samsung and HTC
(CNN) -- Apple is now the proud owner of the page turn.
In a patent approved this week by the United States Patent OfficeApple was awarded a design patent for "Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface."
The patent illustration shows three images: One with the corner of a page being turned slightly, the next with it halfway, and a third showing the page almost entirely turned over.
A feature used in Apple's iBooks, and books in general, the patent represents one of 38 different patents granted to Apple this week.
The New York Times points out that this isn't the first "seemingly obvious" patent that Apple has been awarded. Previously the company was granted a patent for the musical note icon it uses to represent iTunes and the glass staircase it uses it stores.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Investing in next one market.

02 Nov 12 จนท.และนักลงทุนจากรัฐกลันตัน ประเทศมาเลเซีย ศึกษาดูงานการผลิตสินค้า OTOP ในพื้นที่จังหวัดนราธิวาส [Others]
เมื่อวันที่ 1 พ.ย.2555 นายสุริยะ กิติบุญญา หัวหน้ากลุ่มงานส่งเสริมการพัฒนาชุมชน และ จนท.พช.จังหวัดนราธิวาส นำจนท.และนักลงทุนจากรัฐกลันตัน ประเทศมาเลเซ๊ย ศึกษาดูงานการผลิตสินค้า OTOP จากผู้ประกอบการในพื้นที่อำเภอยี่งอ ,เมืองนราธิวาส,ตากใบ เพื่อสนับสนุน ส่งเสริมช่องทางการตลาดระหว่างประเทศไทย -มาเลเซียในอนาคต
  Attachment : cats.jpg (กดปุ่มขวาของ mouse ที่ชื่อ file, หากต้องการพิมพ์หรือ save file)
Posted By :  นายสุริยะ กิติบุญญา  [นราธิวาส กรมการพัฒนาชุมชน] - 02 Nov 12 16:45

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